LEIAdmin by LEI Register
Our story
LEI Register has been at the forefront of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) registration services, setting industry standards and pioneering compliance solutions.
Throughout our journey, we have exemplified innovation, dedication to customer experience, and relentless commitment to excellence. These qualities have propelled us to become the leading LEI service provider globally.
Aligned with our commitment to continuous enhancement and addressing the evolving needs of our clients, we created LEIAdmin. The enterprise-level LEI management solution, tailored for financial sectors success.

- 2018
- 277k+
- 300+
We lift your burden
Our mission
LEIAdmin is dedicated to streamlining your daily operations, enhancing your clients' experience, and uncovering new revenue opportunities, all while reducing the manual workload associated with managing LEIs.
Our team includes experts who played a crucial role in introducing LEIs worldwide, giving us unmatched industry insight. This expertise positions us as an invaluable partner for your LEI management needs.
Effortlessly manage dozens to thousands of LEI applications
Case studies
Discover our thriving partnerships across the globe
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I believe our partnership with LEIAdmin is now more than four years long, and they have exceeded our exceptions. LEIAdmin saved my colleagues and me a lot of time and effort, and I am more than happy to pass on my sincere gratitude to their team.
Voldemars Strupka
deputy head of private banking in signet bank
LEI issuance map
International requirement
LEIAdmin is your partner for LEI codes in 300+ jurisdictions.